Friday, October 26, 2007

Nicole and i went to see nightmare before christmas. The best part...fancy glasses!

On the back of this truck was written: 100% Skill, 100% deadly. I foot know what that means, but its so white trash that it makes me like it.

My congrats to Tommie, the first corona friend to make the cross our to my Covina friends. Its a rare Event.

Monday, October 22, 2007

There is a guy in my math class who wears a pager. All class it is my deep curiosity ...why? Are you on call for work... As a 80's drug dealer? do you just not think the cell phone fad will last? Or Maby you just have a amazingly demanding but behind on the times girlfriend? What could it be? if only algebra Interested of this much.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

new but random self realization: i cant year ear plugs because i am a loud heavy breather and the sound of it in my ears is too apologies to anyone i have ever slept near.

We were told to write what we wanted our legacy to be. I wrote: i hope that others would have the realization that: -apathy and selfishness is the enemy of life and freedom, even in small amounts. -Safety is over rated and faith is a dangerous undertaking. To love is to take a risk. The two will grow together and so will the beauty of our souls. -blessed are the meek, poor, oppessed and humble and needy. Learn to truly love and be near them and you will be near the heart of God.

Today and my friend jason went bouldering. It was a good time except that for some reason now my finger is completly prob getting leprosy.

Late at night the Men's retreat usually turns to board games and cards. Unfortunatly both of those were left behind and so the lounging and small talk begins...i hate small talk.

Friday, October 19, 2007

On the way to Men's retreat with dad. It has become czecsj tradition originally forced upon up by mom. Good ol' mom.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thoughts while driving home: i wish i had a flying car almost more them i wish i could fly myself. That way the gov. Wont try to capture and experament on me...oh but they would take my car. Its a tops up...Damn the man!

worse then insults...

today I stood in a large group and made a joke, or at least what i thought was a joke at the moment...untill i heard it leave my lips. It was a comment so devoid of actual humor that is was actually a little sad. The delivery though made it obvious i was making a attempt at humor.

it is at this point that a odd phinominon occured...there was laughter.

Why would they laugh? I wondered silently to myself.

There was obviously no real humor there.

No true reason to giggle or snicker or gufah or even chortal. No reason at all.

There was only one explanation...a reason I tried to deny but could not.

Something even worse then akward silence or insults. IT is...


oh how i hate you old foe.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I slipped work today to try and catch up on all the things life demands of me... Its not going well.

Test test

Test test