I have been here for about a week now. What have I done? it feels like a whole lot of nothing. But not that I really give it serious consideration i have done...enough. I have found a church, bought and assembled a room, gotten ready for school, searched for a possibly found a job.
But still i spend most of my day sitting in the house. Like my own private alamo, secluded from the outside world. I don't want to do this, it's just that i have nothing to do, nowhere to really go, and no money to waste.
Actually this isn't really an alamo, it's a self made prison.
But the irony still abounds in the fact that i really like this house. I really like my housemates and i really like Philadelphia. I just need more to do.
And to add the small ironic cherry to the top of all this. In a month when i and going to school, working and (hopefully) have a social life i will long for these days of nothingness back.