Thursday, March 26, 2009

past thoughts and musings

I have not post on here in a loooong time. And just like returning to the game after a long leisurely off season i feel I need to ease my way back in, lest I pull a blog-muscle. The most self-involved muscle of them all. So i'm going to start with a bunch of old blogs that i liked.

Sunday, October 08, 2006 would read this, wouldn't you.
There are certain sentences that if you fespond to someone else with them, it really doesn't matter what you say, it's kind of insulting.

Case and point; "you would _______." IT really doesnt matter what the other person says. If you respond with this. It's a bit insulting and your first reaction nay very well be do deny the accusation.

Person 1: I just gave away everything to the homeless.
Person 2: Psh, you would give away everything to the homeless.

Person 1: I just saved 20 orphans from that burning building!
Person 2: You would save them.

Person 1: I just won 500 dollers
Person 2: You would win.

Go ahead try it with your friends. Just throw it in at some point!

You would try it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would write this!

About time...