Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And the award for most annoying goes to...

I took this photo as i was sitting in a large room waiting to hear what Donald Miller (of "blue like jazz" fame) was going to come and say.

while Sitting there reading and retaining a healthy skepticism (I always do when it comes to famous christians) i hear behind me.

WOOOOOO DONALD, I LOVE DONALD! (insert inane banter for the soul purpose of getting attention). This went on for well, untill the brother actually came out and began to speak. Then they simply transitioned into quiet inane banter for the purpose of...who the hell knows.

All that being said i have dubbed the 2 males and open mouth female behind me, "the most annoying people at Eastern University." Congratulations! I'll probably sit next to you in a class at some point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your stories always make me laugh Mike.