Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm having issues...where's my sugar daddy?

When i started going to school here i though i knew exactly what i wanted to do. I wanted to work for some kind of non-profit that worked with people either over seas or in a inner city environment. Simple right.

But in the last month or so i have been studying and reading a lot about non-profit and mainly international aid agencies. It turns out...a lot of them don't do a lot of good. Sure they mean well and on a small one to one person level they help that person. But when you back up and look at the whole picture, at how they are affecting the total development and economic progress of that area/nation, it turns out, a lot of them may very well be doing harm. It's complicated. Way more complicated then i ever though it could be, but still that seems to be the consensus among folks who study this kind of thing.

And so now...now i'm not sure i want to do that anymore. which raises another question...


I think this might be the answer....it's good...right?


Anonymous said...

I think what you should do is come back home. Ya, that's it.

Gabe said...

CA sucks, come to OH. I'll hook you up with a sweet job.

Jolene Nicole said...

What non-profit organization are you talking about? Churches?