Friday, September 19, 2008

I have been going school here for about a month now. I spend my days wondering around moslty, trying to find a little hidden room here, a gazebo there or maby just another pleasant forested path (this place has tons of them) But yesterday i made a somewhat startling discovery
THE LIBRARY HAS A WHOLE SECOND FLOOR!! Given i probably should have realized this due to the fact that there is clearly 3 floors form the outside, but some how this fact completely escaped me. So you gotta wonder...what else is there that i've been missing.

In the magical mystery second floor there are also a number of these rooms. Each one looks slightly different ( this one, for some reason, is dedicated to an elderly black woman). These are my favorite places to be. Maby because they are quiet and peaceful and i can lay down n the floor without feeling judged. Or mabey it's because I am slowly becoming more and more antisocial misfit, fearful of all human interaction. Either way i'm glad i have this room now.