Friday, September 26, 2008


Situations that have NO chance of ending well: today in my african studies class one of the students brought his skateboard in. Upon seeing it, my 50+ Year old proffersor from he african nation of malawie stopped in mid sentence, walked over and said, "what is this." "It's my long board" the student replied. Wanna ride it?" Professor Matika then proceeded to tentatively step onto the shakey board.

He started rolling, almost falls, starts rolling again then exclaims in a tone of of sudden epiphany, "agh, what am i doing. I am an old man." and got off the board to resume the lecture.

He has done this for the last 3 days in a row.

Prof. Matika is my favorite teacher...even though he is actively trying to kill us with reading.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha that's good. and funny.
Erin O.